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The essential keys to create a product sheet in an ecommerce - Part 3


    If you are on an important date where you decide to discount your products, try to make a comparison of the real price and the discounted price. And don't just stay there, show the savings percentage as the actual savings made on the purchase. Thanks to this, you will get your potential customers to stay longer on your platform and analyze if it will be a perfect opportunity to get a product they so badly need.

    The Saga Falabella website takes advantage of the fact that the vast majority of its customers have a CMR card and for this reason it applies exclusive discounts on different products in its catalog.

    # 4 Keep the stock bar updated

    If you are already short of stock on certain products, take immediate action. Don't expect customers to be surprised at the last minute that they can't buy the product they require.

    Within your page you must correctly inform if the product is available or not. If a product is not available, give customers the option to continue browsing and find other alternatives. Take into account the case of the Tiendamia portal, your product is out of stock. However, they put a text that says "select another option or continue shopping." With this, they ensure that their customers do not leave the web.

    # 5 Activate live chat

    Developing a live chat for your platform will always be something that your users will appreciate as it helps to improve their browsing experience. If they have a problem with a product or want to know more information about its characteristics, they will know that they have a site available where their doubts will be answered. On the Claro website, they have at their disposal a chat where you can ask them about equipment, renewal or anything else related to mobile telephony.